Life Coaching:
A Better Life Today

coachLife Coaching is all about creating a better life for you today. Working together we will focus on rearranging circumstances and attitudes in everyday life to discover increased joy and effectiveness while lowering stress and wasted energy. It's all about rediscovering your passions -- what motivates me? I can help you identify dreams and desires. Together we will break down the barriers that have been built up preventing you from reaching those dreams. Is it a fear of failure? A fear of success? A fear of commitment? Or perhaps a lack of motivation, a life of procrastination?

Imagine you are 80 years old and looking back at your life. Which dream from your list would cause you the greatest regret if you had NOT pursued it? You voice the cost of pursuing this dream, but what is the cost of NOT pursuing it?

I will help you create a picture of your ideal life. Then identify the gaps and help you bridge those gaps to reach a better future. The gap is the distance between your needs and expectations and the way life is now. Another way of thinking about it is in terms of alignment; the gap is the place where your day-to-day life fails to align with your values and your life purpose.

Let's explore those values and beliefs. Our values are the bedrock of behavior. They define what is most important to us, they form the framework we use for making decisions, and they are the driving force behind our work and our passions. Once you are better able to define those values and beliefs, you can move towards greater fulfillment. A life that includes joy, success, and peace of mind.

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." -Goethe

"I didn't seek out coaching, rather met Judy while working on a project together. We had such great conversations about life that when she suggested I receive coaching, something I had never thought about, I thought, great! But after working with Judy, I felt how could I have gone on in life without learning the skills and focus she taught me. She has helped me to prioritize how I wanted my life to take shape, and inversely, not take shape. Her gentle guidance, strong clarity, and motivating suggestions has helped me focus and achieve a much more balanced life. Hiring her is one of the greatest gifts and best decisions I have ever made". -Chandra Morvay